- For good collaboration as a team, for creativity and versatility as we minister to multiple age groups
- For primary school assemblies: that students would hear the gospel clearly explained and would respond in faith
- That kids from the assemblies and the community will come to the kids club on Friday and hear the gospel and build relationships with people at the church
- That God would prepare and soften the hearts of the many non-Christian youth with whom we will come into contact during the week
- That we would have wisdom in knowing how to relate appropriately and helpfully to the seniors, especially that we would be quick to listen as to our own mothers and fathers
- That God might use our words about the gospel to bring seniors to faith – especially those who might be unbelievers, nominal in their belief, or uncertain. Ask God to work by His Spirit in their hearts for His glory.
- For Forestville women to be inviting their friends and family to come to the afternoon tea event. That they would have confidence in God’s word and courage to invite
- For all those on the team giving Bible talks and sermons during the week, that they would be faithful, clear and bold in their speaking