Who is Jesus to a room full of primary school kids? He is their super saviour!
Day 5
Today the Wollongong team primarily spent time at TIGS (The Illawarra Grammar School). We were given a wonderful opportunity to share with the students through drama, song, dance, testimonies and discussion.
A pancake breakfast helped kick things off for the students as they listened to Mikela’s testimony. A wide variety of students participated and many of the team were able to have interesting conversations with them.
We were then blessed to have the opportunity to run an event for the entire year 5 cohort. The kids had so much fun engaging with the high energy drama led by Faraj and Mikela about the resurrection of Lazarus. This was backed up by a dramatic reading of the passage by Rob, Cam and Dan. Jaimie led us all in singing and interspersed throughout all of this were games and testimonies.
Some members of the team joined the christian lunch time group before Michelle and Dan led junior school chapel in front of a hundred kids and dozens of staff members. The students absolutely loved hearing about the good news of Jesus and again being able to sing along with Jamie. Ben shared his testimony about how his life had changed because of this good news.
Finally, the afternoon concluded with senior chapel. Andrew pumped up yet more hundreds of students with a game which was followed by Jamie who had a generous opportunity to share how Jesus is the friend of sinners before captivating students with a song he wrote about the same topic.
TIGS wasn’t the only source of attention for the team today. A small group visited the congregation at Port Kembla who held a friendship service. We praise God for the opportunity Brian had to share the word with the faithful and long serving saints at the service.
Join us in thanking God for:
- More opportunities to share the good news and serve others.
- The willingness of Sandy and others to share their ministry experiences.
Pray that:
- God will continue to open more doors.
- We would be faithful with the opportunities God gives us.