Kurrajong team back at it again.
Monday was just like any other day. That is if any other day for you involved a few hours of door knocking, several s.r.e seminars, and an evening of interesting cuisine and encouraging words about our Lord and Saviour by Kirsty from Luke 23.
The day started off with a devotion brought to us by 1st year Tom Pountain from Mark’s Gospel and was followed by group prayer for the days activities and planning.
Mondays on mission are traditionally days of preparation for the coming week but team Kurrajong got immediately to work.
A team led by Jono Thomas and Matt Pearson conducted two seminars to the years 3-6 and the K-2s about how Jesus brings true friendship with God.
As the rain continued to bucket upon the mountains we spent the rest of the day preparing and impatiently waiting for the downpour to finally cease. Eventually the sky cleared (giving us the first glimpse of sun since sunday morning) some of the team decided to start door knocking a day early because they are just that driven.
The night finished with the ladies event “Strangely Good.” Almost a quarter of the attendees at the night were guests, this coupled with Kirsty’s evident story telling abilities led to this night being a tremendous encouragement (photos can be spied here)
Mikey Mantle deep in pious prayer sets an example for all of us to follow.
Please pray for us today: for opportunities for evangelism as we continue to door knock, for some of the men as they lend their muscle helping out some church members in completing a few much needed chores, and for the hospitality night tonight where we will be sharing our lives and testimonies with the members of the Kurrajong church community.
Kurrajong team sighing off
God Bless.
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