Because I’ve been a bit light on the back half of the week I thought I’d make up for it by interviewing a few of the team so you could see their faces and here what they’ve experienced this week.
The Team!
Jono Thomas:
What was a highlight of your week? “My Highlight for the week has been the school assembly. The kids were really engaged as we taught them how God changes us from enemies to friends because Jesus died for me. This is even more the case as we have been running into some of the kids who were there when we’ve been door knocking and they still remembered what we had taught them.”
How was youth on Friday night? “At youth group we were thinking about how we aren’t ashamed of the gospel. It was encouraging to hear the seniors honesty as we discussed the practicalities of sharing the gospel at school”
What is something you would like pray for “Pray that we might make the most of the connections that have been formed over the last week”
Sue Park:
What is a highlight of the week for you? “For me, meeting two young mums. One a recent believer and her friend who wants to know more about Jesus and who took a Luke’s gospel from us.”
What is something that has stood out to you about the Church since we’ve been here “I have been Wow-ed by their hospitality to us” (direct quote btw)
What is something you would appreciate prayer for? “During walk up we met a man, who was intrigued by the truth in the Bible, pray that he reads Luke’s Gospel and that Jesus will bring hope into his life.”
Kirsty McNamara:
A Highlight of the week for you Kirsty? “Chatting with a lady at church who I met on the first sunday. She and two friends of hers came to the ‘Strangely Good’ night on Tuesday which I spoke at. They both took home a copy of Luke’s Gospel and she had a real look of joy on her face about her friends.”
What is a challenge that you have faced this week? “Probably the most difficult thing is having energy all the time. Talking with people can take a lot out of and we’ve done a lot of that this week.”
And something you would like prayer for? “I’ve spoken to some people who are willing to give church another go, so pray that God would give them another chance to be a part of his grace.
Matt Pearson
Whats a highlight from the week Matt? “I would say meeting primary school kids on the street who could remember the memory verse we taught them a few days earlier from Romans 5:10”
What was a challenging experience you had on mission? “Probably meeting people who have hard hearts against God, and ignore he even exists!”
Something you would like prayer for mate? “Ask God for more opportunities to share the news of Jesus with people. Ask that he would give me wisdom in knowing how to communicate the gospel to the lost.”
Tom Pountain:
Tom a highlight for you? “An event earlier in the week where I gave a talk and had a Q & A session organised by a couple in the church. It was encouraging to see them taking risks and inviting people.
How about an experience you had door knocking this week? “One woman we met who initially was not willing to have a conversation, but then when asked why, she opened up and talked about the suffering in her life, and we had a great chat which led to her asking many questions of her own. And we gave her a gospel which she said she would read.
Whats something you would like prayer for? “Give thanks that the church has been really on board with the mission, and pray that the work that began this week would be continued by the members of kurrajong anglican.”
Thats some of the team and their highlights for the week, and now…
Cue the Montage Appropriate Music
Click here for a relevant montage song.
I wasn’t lying when I said megapost.
Thank you so much for reading and for your prayers. Praise God for his goodness and Mercy.
The Kurrajong Mission Team.
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