Scripture: Today we went to Culburra Public Primary School to run a scripture assembly for the school. We had kids ranging from Kindergarten through to Year 6. It was such a joy to see so many faces looking forward to hearing about Jesus. The 4 of us prayed before heading out in front of the crowd to present the story of Easter!
We started the assembly with a series of games, led by the popular Captain Saviour! (played by Matt M) and his sidekick Leonie. A superhero who wasn’t the best superhero out there, as explained by our cool teacher Mr Matt Goodman. Captain Saviour thought he was a pretty cool superhero, but it turns out that he couldn’t really save people, despite having super strength, super speed and super vision. Luckily, Sam came out to tell everyone about the real super saviour, Jesus, who can save people. Jesus is the super saviour who can save people from their sins! That it is through Jesus that we can have eternal life, for all who believe in Him.
Prayer: Give thanks for all the children who attended scripture! Pray that the good news they have heard will plant seeds in their hearts and that these seeds will grow and bear fruit. Give thanks for all the scripture teachers at the school. Pray that these teachers will stand firm, that they will teach the word with truth and love and for perseverance.
Men’s Growth Group: In the morning before Scripture, Sam and Matt G attended a men’s growth group. A growth group attended by several men throughout the community from different churches. They studied Jesus is truth and love. That Jesus’ love leads Him to speak the truth, calling out sin.
Prayer: Give thanks for this group of men who meet every Thursday to sit around God’s word. Pray that this group will continue to grow under God’s word, that they will be shaped and moulded into Godly men who radiate God’s glory throughout the community.
Afternoon High Tea: In the afternoon, Captain Saviour (Matt M) hung up his costume and attended the afternoon high tea at Bomo Bowling Club, with his sidekick Leonie.
It was a great afternoon, where Peter Jensen spoke to a room full of people about Jesus and the hope that we have as Christians. It was such a privilege to sit under the word of God for the afternoon, whilst enjoying sandwiches and scones!
Prayer: Please pray for those at the event who hadn’t heard the hope of the Gospel before. Pray that their hearts will be softened and that they will turn to Christ as their Lord and Saviour.
Men’s Dinner and Fire-pit: That evening, the three boys along with our chaplain Andrew Leslie, headed off for dinner and a night around a fire-pit. A lot of food was consumed and conversations had, whilst sitting around a fire pit.
Prayer: Please pray for the non-Christians who attended the event and for the conversations they had with Christians. Pray that God will work through these conversations, that follow ups will be pursued, that hearts will be softened and lives saved.