Scripture: On Friday we headed off to Callala Public School to run another scripture assembly about Easter. Again, we had children ranging from Kindergarten through to year 6. Captain Saviour returned to show again, proving that he is no comparison to the real super saviour Jesus!. Jesus is the super saviour who can save people from their sins. That it is through Jesus that we can have eternal life, for all who believe in Him. Showing that Jesus is worthy of praise!
Prayer: – Give thanks for the children who attended scripture. May the story of Easter resonate in their hearts as they learn/are reminded of Christ’s sacrifice for them. ‘For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life’ John 3:16.
– Give thanks for all the scripture teachers at the school. Pray that these teachers will stand firm, that they will teach the word with truth and love and for perseverance.
Women’s Bible Study: Leonie headed to the women’s growth group on Friday morning, where they looked at Jesus is truth and love. A study where they were reminded of Jesus tough love for us. That Jesus’ love for us, calls Him to speak the truth by calling out our sinfulness. Like a loving father protecting His children and putting us back on the right path.
Prayer: Give thanks for the women who attend the Bible study on Friday morning. May God continue to shape their hearts and minds through His word. Give thanks for Sue, who runs the Bible study. May the Lord give her perseverance, continue to fill her with His spirit and continue to guide her using His word.
Free to be Youth Event: On Friday evening we all headed to Wollongong for the Free to be youth event. It was such an encouraging night, seeing around 2000 youth hearing about the Gospel. On the night several youth committed their lives to Christ for the first time and others re-committed.
Prayer: – Give thanks for all the youth who attended the Free to be Youth Event. Praise God that some youth gave their life to Christ for the first time. Please pray that their hearts will be protected from the enemy, that the seeds planted with grow and not wither and that other Christians will take them under their wing to nurture and guide them.
– Give thanks for the youth that have re-committed their lives to Christ. Pray that their hearts may also be protected from temptation, that they continue to turn to Christ and serve Him as their Lord and saviour.
– Give thanks for the organisers, speakers and volunteers. Give thanks for their servant minded hearts and eagerness for God’s word to be told to the youth of the Wollongong area.
Matt Goodman’s Birthday: During mission it was a pleasure and blessing to celebrate Matt Goodman’s birthday on Saturday. The four of us headed to Huskisson to have lunch overlooking the ocean. Not a bad way to spend Saturday afternoon!
Prayer: Thank God for Matt’s life and His service to the Lord. May God continue to work through him, shaping him and moulding him to be more Christ like. May God guide Matt’s steps, protect him and God willing, give Matt many more birthdays to come.
Colin Buchanan Concert: On Saturday night Matt M and Leonie headed to the Colin Buchanan concert, at Shoalhaven Entertainment Centre. Colin put on an amazing show, filled with raw emotion and a show that glorified God. Through Colin’s songs, God’s faithfulness and promises were on display for all to see.
Prayer: Praise God for the Colin Buchanan concert and for all the non-Christians who attended the event. May seeds of curiosity and awe for Jesus, have been planted in non-believers hearts through hearing Colin’s songs about God’s faithfulness and promises. May these seeds lead them to accepting Jesus as their Lord and saviour.