Day six, Friday, our last day in the Christian Studies classes at Shore. We began the day by being led in a short devotion by Peter Orr. We looked at Philippians 1:12-26, in which Paul declares that there is nothing more important than proclaiming the gospel. It was a good encouragement as we headed toward the tail end of mission not to sit back and cruise through, but to see the value of what we’re doing as we share the good news of Jesus’ sacrificial death and his life-giving resurrection.
As we had our last contact with the non-boarding students it was great to see a large turnout to the lunch time Cru group, with special guest speaker Jess. Jess spoke engagingly and winsomely as she addressed the question ‘can you be a rational, scientific person and believe in God?’ It was a relevant subject for the students, as many consider this the main issue that prevents them from following Jesus. Jess was joined by one of the Christian staff, a science teacher, to tackle some questions taken from the floor. It was awesome to see the staff and our team cooperating.
- For students as they continue in Christian Studies classes at Shore to be encouraged by our visit to really investigate the claims of Jesus.
- For staff to be encouraged by our work with the boys, that they would keep on teaching the boys the truth from the Bible.