Welcome back faithful blog viewer. You might very well be wondering what the Moore mission team in Kingsford got up to this fine sunny day. Well, you’ve come to the right place. Indeed your curiosity will be richly rewarded! Today’s activities were packed full of distribution, brainstorming, dialogue, forms, prayers, and bible time. Because, as the title suggests, today was our planning day.
Before all the activities of the week commence, much preparation has to go into each item. And in keeping with this year’s theme of “Behind Moore Mission” I’m going to give you blog-viewer – yes you! – a sneak peek at what happens behind the scenes of Moore mission.
Let’s jump in.
Our day started with a good Ol’ fashion letterbox drop to promote the easter events we are going to host for the community.
But before we can do that we have to plan where we are going to go. So to our right are the faithful soldiers of the letterbox drop, meticulously selecting appropriate sections to help promote the easter events.
Please do pray that people would give time and a thought to come along to the easter festival we’re hosting for the area. That through the event the church would be able to connect with the community and share the gospel of Jesus!
After the teams had returned from the letterbox drop, we got stuck into the organization of the rest of the week.
Even before the meeting, our team members were reading up on kids ministry, writing a sermon, and working on event talks. I didn’t even ask them to pose for this photo!
Classic dedication. Praise God for his Spirit which enables us to work for him!
Then came the team meeting.
As you can clearly see above, there was no end to the day’s productivity. If you walked into the room you would have to wade your way through the brain waves flying through the air. This is the engine room powering the week (humanly speaking). Behind Moore Mission a lot of planning happens.
And would you believe it, even Risk Assessment forms!
Big shout out to Ben Connolly for the thankless task of
filling in all those forms. (and in such appropriate attire!)
But do please pray that all this planning wouldn’t be in vain. It is God who makes all of this count in the end. So faithful blog viewer we really appreciate your prayers as we seek to reach Kingsford for the King.
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