Welcome back dear blog-viewer. I told you earlier this day what the outlook was for our day, and I must say the day was a blast. After a hearty lunch, some of our team went with Dave (pastor of Holy Trinity Kingsford) to the Randwick High School and participated in bible discussions with students there. One of the boys asked what bible college was like. Our quick thinking and silver-tongued Jeremy said: “It’s like a swarm of butterflies is coming at you and you only got a small net to catch them“. This was sure to touch the manly men of the Boys high school. We all shared a laugh in the team meeting about this moment. And it even got caught on camera!
After Lunch, we were able to have the insights of Pastor Dave and Assistant minister Gordon on their lives in ministry.
Gordon (seen right) is a passionate and committed Christian minister. His story was an absolutely encouraging tale of Gods grace and power at work. He spoke on the ways God had convicted him at points in his life and how God was at work to bring about great ministry opportunities, eventually calling him into vocational ministry. Later he talked about the need to be good pastoral carers of people, not just word based people. It was a wonderfully encouraging and challenging session with a man who’s spent 40 years in ordained ministry!
After dinner, the team gathered together along with the Growth Groups which usually meet on Tuesday nights. Grace gave a talk on her experiences reaching work colleagues with the gospel and we all then split up into three groups.
1) Jack taught on incorporating evangelism into all your lifestyle.
2) Lauren taught on how to effectively give your testimony in a gospel-centered way.
3) Sam taught on the use of storytelling for evangelism.
The night was a wonderful opportunity for the students to become teachers to the congregation, and it was a real blessing for everyone involved.
Praise God we had these wonderful opportunities to hear from great servants of the Lord Jesus.
Please pray that we would have opportunities, even this week, to share our testimonies and stories and evangelize Kingsford with the Gospel of our great God and Saviour Jesus!
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