Catch ups. Walks ups. Training.
It’s been another great day of holding out the gospel alongside Auckland EV. Conversations have been hard, the rejections have sometimes been weird (ask Vinno), people have grasped the urgency of their friends hearing the gospel, and strangers have engaged with Jesus.
It’s been a very full day and the next few days are just as jam-packed with more great, very ordinary opportunities like these. How good it has been to be reminded that sharing the gospel is at one level a very ordinary and everyday thing. How incredible it is to know that God has chosen to use that very ordinary thing to do extraordinary things!
Please join us in praying… that God would be delighted to use the feeble human words of the team and those we’re partnering with to bring people to Jesus.
Join us in asking him for energy in the face of some of our busiest days.
Thank him for the training that has happened – for the conviction and competency that’s grown.
For those at EV who’ve shared the gospel for the first time and for those who are nutting out how to share Jesus with their friends and family.
Pray for those who have heard the gospel for the first time this week and are keen to keep reading the bible with locals.
And pray for those who are so apathetic – ask God to keep putting Christians in their path who are willing to share the gospel.