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Day 4 / Meeting Over 100 Kids
Moore College27 Mar 2019An early start for some of the team this morning as they headed over to Herron’s Creek primary school to run another SRE assembly. Despite the smaller numbers, the children...
Day 4 / The Good Shepherd and a Puppet Named...
Moore College27 Mar 2019We began Day 4 at Tamworth Railway Station. Dan and Jill made fresh hot coffee as Avril and Emma served delicious raisin toast. The rest of the team engaged in...
Day 4 - 5 / Visiting a Mosque
Moore College27 Mar 2019Day 4 & 5 A Visit to the Mosque, another arvo of making friends and then home for a rest!. At the Mosque In the morning we visited a local...
Day 4 / Panthers, Dragons and Jesus
Moore College27 Mar 2019Today we had our team day off. This was to help us rest and recuperate for what is going to be a busy three days ahead. Penrith Anglican were incredibly...
Day 4 / Learning how to care pastorally for young...
Moore College27 Mar 2019The team was split up leading multiple growth groups and making pastoral visits to homes and the Epping retirement village. At the Epping Seniors small group, Victor’s highlight was hearing...
Day 4 / Dog Walking and Dancing
Moore College27 Mar 2019Bringing Christ to the community A typical Sunday at St Peters Watsons Bay sees a small congregation of about 40 adults get together for their single 9:30am service. Yet based...