Hello from the very chilly Lithgow.
We would love to keep you up to date with our plans and experiences throughout the week and ask for specific prayer.
Praise God, we have just completed our very first day of mission! Some of us have been up since 4am in order to arrive in time for our first service, and most of us were arriving back with our billets at 9pm. Boy it was a big day!
We had the pleasure of attending 4 services, heard 3 sermons, 2 children talks, sang 20 songs and took the Lord’s supper 4 times. I don’t know about the others but I enjoyed the reminder that feeding on Christ with faith should be a constant event throughout my days. Students gave the sermons and so we have been hearing about how the assurances of God overcome the lies we let ourselves believe about evangelism, asked to consider what we most thirst after in life and how our ultimate need is found in Christ, and challenged to think about what it means for us if to live is Christ.
Tomorrow we have quite the line up of events we would love your prayers for:
- 2 high-school scripture classes where a couple of us will be sharing our testimonies
- participating in 2 church services being held at aged care centres. This will include some short talks.
- Cooinda 10:30am
- Tabulam 2pm
- evening visits to local families. Please ask for an openness to discuss gospel issues and for more families to sign up.
Other things we would love your prayer for:
- the health and well-being of our team. A couple of us have colds and bugs so pray that we get sufficient rest and that these wont spread.
- inspiration and guidance for most of us who are putting together talks, testimonies, lessons, musical items and programs over the next week.
- energy, love, gentleness and boldness as we go out door-knocking, house-calling, fellowship-ping and participating in midweek ministries.
- Mike, the husband of Tracey, and her sons Nathan and Joshua who truly need to know and trust in Jesus’ Lordship
- James, the husband of Ruth, who needs Jesus
- Louisse, who needs Jesus, and also for clarity and discernment in her life
- D, thank God that he has brought him through life’s hardships to know and love Jesus. Please ask that his doubts would be eased, that he would be assured of his Salvation, and that his understanding of God and passion for His word would increase