Monday for team Unified Ulladulla is meeting and planning day.
Our morning began with an 8am morning stroll with the rector of Ulladulla and Milton Anglican Church Ross Maltman. We affectionately call this time of learning ‘Ross Time’. Ross shares with us the everyday joys and hardships of pastoring here in Ulladulla and Milton over the last 7 years.
Dave Saunders is the assistant minister and he loves the balance between ministering to his parish and being able to keep up with a surfie lifestyle. We meet up with Ross and Dave to discuss the plans for the week and to pray together. We get a chance to know what the demographics of the area is like (mostly retirees – there is a retirement village visitation ministry here and that there is a lack of youth at the services) and the challenges that come this, particularly when it comes to growing a church and training up the next generation.
Our afternoon featured hanging out with two young people who drop into church for PQA (Pizza Q+A) where they can grill Dave with curly questions about life and Jesus. We got to share our testimonies with the youth and feel hopeful that the two can bring more friends along to chat about life’s big questions and hopefully find their answer in Jesus.
- Praise – the team got a good deal of groundwork done in preparation for SRE teaching (Tuesday and Thursday) at Milton PS and Ulladulla PS respectively PLUS Vincentia HS (Friday all day).
- Pray for wisdom for Dave and Ross to be able to plan out how to outreach to the community to grow this ageing parish and that God can bring in young people to seek out Jesus for the answer to their life questions.