Monday! The day started off slow with the team taking the opportunity to prepare themselves for the rest of the week. After lunch there was the chance to do some door knocking with Nathan the senior minister and some church volunteers. They went with members of the congregation many who have signed up in the last few weeks to participate in the door knocking. Close to 10 members of the congregation showed up to come with the students, one of them was over 90 years old.
There were many great conversations and several opportunities to connect people to the church. A few people showed an eagerness to respond to the invitations given by the visitors. The team/church met one woman who was going struggle with some hardships. She was very thankful for the churches visit and is excited to come along to church next week. It was a great opportunity for the team and the church to meet some of the community and connect them back to the church.
Part of our team had the chance to visit and run an SRE assembly at Kendall Primary school with Travis, Camden Havens Children’s minister. Our furry friend Jaffa along with Bec had the kid’s attention as they taught them about Jesus as the Good Sheppard and how he lays down his life for his sheep. The kids also herd and sang a song based around John 10:11. They children were excited to be apart of the assembly and interacted well with the team as they talked and sung with them. It was a fantastic opportunity for us to see the fruit that Travis and his SRE team have grown in Kendell Primary school and we are excited to see how much God is working in the young people in Camden Haven.
In the evening Bec and Rusdyan ran a Conversations night at the church looking at the topic of slavery. This is a night where people can come, hear and discuss topics found throughout the Bible and life. Around 30 people attended to talk about what the Bible, what Jesus has to say about slavery. Some difficult questions we asked and discussed with some great answers given by the group. We were really encouraged by the groups eagerness to interact with the Bible and work together to look at what God says.
A small group of students also headed to Bible training night at Charles Sturt University Port Macquarie with the PMCS (Port Macquarie Christian Students). Speaking to university students. Alex and Adam looked at the Victory of the White Rider, how we read and understand revelation and how we can see the Gospel in this sometime difficult book. The students were challenged not just to understand what it being said but make sure they were on Jesus side or face what is to come. It was exciting for the team to see lots of motivated students looking into the Bible the Bible and eager to learn more from God.
It was a great day for all of the students and we are continually encouraged by the faith and efforts of the staff and congregation of Camden Haven Anglican Church.
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