After a Monday day-off*, day two was jam-packed! Here are some of the highlights:
All of the Scripture
At Woolooware, Cronulla South, Burraneer Bay and Port-Hacking High, the Moore team ran lessons and seminars and were so thankful for the opportunity to preach so publicly the gospel in schools.
Cold Turkey Evangelism
We handed out flyers for upcoming events at Miranda station and went door-knocking in Kurnell and Caringbah. When we got the chance, we asked people how they would finish the sentence ‘Jesus is _____’ to which one man insisted that we wouldn’t want to hear his answer. When pressed further he just laughed and said ‘Jesus is an astronaut’. While he wasn’t being serious, he went on to say that Jesus was a magician – just like any modern-day magician. He did, however, admit that magicians usually don’t come back from the dead.
Amongst our door-knockers was Elle. Tuesday morning was her first time door-knocking and she loved it so much she signed up to go again in the afternoon. Here’s what she looks like:
What I love about college: The community at College, and of course, the wonderful things I am learning about God
Events Galore
Tuesday also held an event at St Luke’s Miranda called ‘Hi Josh, Hi Jesus’ where internet-viral-video-maker Josh Hawkins spoke about identity in Jesus. The event saw over a hundred youth and young adults.
Over at St Phil’s Caringbah, there were two simultaneous events:
Firstly, there was a men’s Q & A panel:
While a small event, the Moore guys were able to grow in their ability to answer tricky questions with a pretty safe audience. They were particularly encouraged by a man who shared that he had been persistently sharing the gospel for years with his cycling group. The man had come along to ask a lot of the questions his friends had asked him and shared how his friends had been thankful for his persistence.
Secondly, there was a women’s sticky date pudding night where Karina was able to share her testimony:
One particularly encouraging story was that a woman came along who had become a Christian on Sunday at one of the services, at which Phillip Jensen preached. It was great to see her eager to be involved in the community at Caringbah as she was welcomed into their fellowship.
*For our day off we rested and then had a fish and chip dinner!