Tonight was terrific. The blokes got together for Men Eating And Talking (M.E.A.T). I was pretty pumped for the ministry even before it started because I heard there would be approximately 115 men attending, and 1 in 4 would be non-Christian.
I really enjoyed the relaxed atmosphere and the encouraging conversations I was a part of (and overheard). Conversations at the start of the night only got better as the night continued. After cooking our own sizzling steak on the BBQ, and then eating it, David shared his story of how Jesus had changed his life. Jesus gave him purpose and value beyond anything else the world has to offer.
After this Noel shared his experience of being a Christian in two really unique and challenging contexts: in the military and as a Medicine and Retrieval Specialist Doctor. Noel shared that his faith in Jesus impacts everything he does because it’s Jesus death and life that has prepared him for his own life and death. Although not seeking death, he feels prepared to face it as he trusts in Jesus. That message was confronting and stirred up lots of conversation on my table afterwards. We discussed how Christ influences our lives in light of what Noel shared.
Simon also had a great night.
“I had the most encouraging night. I spent time with three blokes–all in their early 40s, all converted in the last 18 months. We were just encouraging one another by sharing stories of how much better life goes when you stop trying to wrestle the world under control in your own power, and instead trust the one with the real power. We each had examples of being ridiculed for our faith, and other examples where mates had been curious about a sense of peace or joy or something different they saw in us. Each of us were different. None of us with all our stuff together. We were talking honestly and openly about the real pains and joys of following Jesus.
“Life is messy, but tonight God blessed me with the awesome gift of genuine fellowship. I thank Him for my brothers, and for bringing us all from death to life in Jesus.”
Please thank God for all those who made the night gospel-centred, and evangelistic. Please ask God to soften hearts so that many would be converted as a result of the testimony and talk, and would enter God’s kingdom.