If there is one word which sums up the Moore College Mission at Gymea this week, a likely candidate will be Q&A (which is not even a proper word!) .There probably won’t be a live twitter feed that you can follow. You won’t be able to submit a video question. And you may not hear the phrase “I’ll take that as a comment.” But Q&A will be happening none the less. In fact, across Gymea’s LIFE groups, youth, and young adult events this week students will be engaged in over 20 question and answer events.
The plan is that across these events, students will have opportunity to testify to God’s grace in their lives and how they have sought to submit every aspect of their life under the Lordship of Christ. From there, they’ll be engaged in apologetics, putting to good use their theological education as they answer a whole range of tricky questions. Of course, we are able to do this during mission this week because Gymea Anglican is also on mission, loving and serving their neighbours. They’ve been hard at work for a while now inviting their friends along to the question and answer events this week.
If you’re watching the televised version of Q&A tonight, please spare a moment to pray for the saints of Gymea who are inviting their friends to question and answer gospel events this week. And pray for them and the Moore College team as together we listen to and try to graciously and winsomely answer people’s questions, we would give account for the reason of our hope, and God would bear fruit to the praise of his glory.
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