Team Wollongong 18
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Days 3 and 4: Pancakes, milkshakes, donuts, and rest.
Moore College22 Mar 2018Day 4: The team enjoyed a relaxing rainy day off. Praise God for rest and pray that we will be energised to continue sharing God’s word in Wollongong. Day 3:...
Jesus is... Faithful!
Moore College20 Mar 2018Day 3 One of the themes characterising mission for the Wollongong team has been the truly diverse range of experiences that we have been exposed to. However, there has been...
Treasure in Jars of Clay
Moore College19 Mar 2018Day 2 If Sunday was all about diving in head first, Monday was a chance to take a breath. That is, after the 5:45 start! Our team spread themselves across...
The Good Shepherd
Moore College18 Mar 2018A warm welcome at Corrimal On Sunday morning, Moore College students were excited to begin mission as we were warmly welcomed by churches across Wollongong. At Corrimal Anglican Church, we...
Blood, sweat and tears
Moore College18 Mar 2018Blood, Sweat and Tears Day 1: South Wollongong Sweat Self-talk can be really helpful. Today, it was essential. Our team were split up, visiting 5 different churches. Keiraville International Church definitely had...