Smaug was too great for a mere thirteen dwarfs and a hobbit. Help was required from the men of Laketown to slay the fearsome beast.
Likewise, this Team’s mission was too great for their thirteen members, so they sought to recruit others to the task. Their dragon has already been bound (Rev 20:2), yet the battle rages on. Multitudes upon multitudes await salvation from the jaws of death, so new soldiers are required. There are many tasks in an army, and not all are suited to lead, but all must work in the roles they have, in order to speed the victory: The salvation of many souls. In the present battle, it is the souls of North Queensland that are at stake, and the Team, lead by their own Grey Wizard (there are some who call him … Jim), encouraged twenty young men and women to consider taking up the responsibilities of leadership. Discussions went late into the night…
But the next day, the intrepid Team’s mission became a true fight. Each member was trained to fire two strange new weapons: A Steyr Rifle, and a 64mm Rocket Launcher, in a Weapons Training Simulation System. Though these weapons shall prove fruitless in their true battles, it was nevertheless extremely cool.
The objective was to learn the ways of those other soldiers, for whom these weapons are designed: The Royal Australian Defence Forces. Two chaplains brought us in, showed us their ways, and explained the challenges and the joys of fighting for the souls of those who fight. The Team was greatly encouraged, and their eyes were opened to this new battlefield.
And yet, the coming days will see the battle intensify, as the dragon refuses to acknowledge his defeat, and as the Team feel weariness take them…
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